WordPress multilingual

Creating a Multilingual WordPress Site

Did you know that 9 out of 10 internet users prefer websites in their own native language? This fact highlights the importance of having a WordPress multilingual site to reach a global audience. By making your site accessible in various languages, you boost your reach and engagement.

Setting up a multilingual website on WordPress is more than just translating text. You can either have a single site with multi-language content or separate sites for each language. You need to organise your site well, using custom menus and choosing the right domains or subdomains for different languages.

The WordPress block editor helps in customising your site for two or more languages. It includes features like site menus in different languages and a handy language switcher. These tools make it easy for users worldwide to navigate your site.

Key Takeaways

  • 9 out of 10 internet users prefer websites in their native language.
  • A WordPress multilingual site can enhance global audience reach.
  • Options for multilingual sites include single or multiple sites, custom menus, and language-specific content organisation.
  • The WordPress block editor allows for easy customisation and implementation of language switchers.
  • Offering multi-language content can significantly improve user engagement and SEO.

Why Create a Multilingual Site?

Creating a multilingual site is now crucial. It not only reaches more people but also makes your site easier to use. This gives you an edge over the competition. These perks help with worldwide economic growth. This shows the advantages of a multilingual website are not just about translations.

Global Audience Reach

Making your website multilingual lets you enter global markets well. By using a WordPress multilingual site, you connect with audiences all over. This helps your brand stand out and grow. Since about 80% of shoppers like buying in their language, it’s crucial for tapping into a big market.

Enhanced User Experience

A multilingual site also improves how users feel on your site. They’ll find it easier and nicer to use in their language. This boosts their happiness and keeps them coming back. The multilingual website benefits include making browsing personal and easy, retaining visitors.

Competitive Advantage

Having a multilingual site on WordPress also offers a competitive edge. In our global business world, it sets you apart from one-language sites. It also builds trust and credibility among customers. So, it’s about winning in global markets and keeping a varied and loyal customer group.

Setting Up Your Multilingual WordPress Site

Creating a multilingual site on WordPress boosts user engagement and global reach. The key is picking the right translation plugins and deciding how you’ll translate content.

Choosing a Translation Plugin

Choosing the right translation plugin is your first move. Popular choices include WPML, Polylang, and Weglot. Weglot, used by over 70 thousand people, translates into 110 languages and offers a 10-day trial. WPML allows 65 languages and different versions for budgets, supporting both manual translation and automatic translation.

Manual vs. Automatic Translation

You can translate your site manually or automatically. Manual ensures top-quality, perfect for professional texts. WPML and Transposh help refine these translations. Automatic options like Google Language Translator work fast for posts and categories. Weglot uses big platforms to offer many languages and keep translations fresh.

Installing and Configuring Your Plugin

After choosing a plugin, you need to install the WordPress plugin and set it up. Start with secure hosting from services like Bluehost. Make sure you have an SSL certificate for security. WPML needs a purchase and a key for setup, while Transposh is easier to start with. They both offer lots of help and guidance.

Setting up your plugin to manage translations for all your content is now easy. Using WPML or Polylang lets users handle various content types, ensuring a full multilingual site.

Choosing accurate translation plugins and between manual translation and automatic translation matters a lot. It helps you give a tailored, captivating experience to viewers in different languages.

Essential WordPress Multilingual Plugins

If you want to make your site speak multiple languages, three WordPress plugins stand out. WPML, Polylang, and TranslatePress each offer unique benefits. They can make your website more accessible to people worldwide.


WPML makes almost every part of your site translatable. It’s accurate 90% of the time when using automatic translation. This plugin works well with many themes and plugins. It helps your site appear in searches in different languages, increasing your visitors. Adding WPML can make your site more appealing to users across the globe. For more about enhancing your website with WordPress, read this interesting article.


Polylang lets you manage translations easily. It supports manual work or Lingotek’s network of over 25,000 translators. With Polylang, you can translate posts, categories, and more. This boosts your site’s reach in various languages. It’s easy to use for anyone, making your site friendly to visitors worldwide.


TranslatePress is unique because of its visual editor. This makes translating your site engaging and straightforward. It blends machine and human translations to cover every part of your site. TranslatePress helps people find your site in their language more easily. Plus, visitors can switch languages with a simple click. This broadens your audience by catering to different language speakers.

WPML, Polylang, and TranslatePress each make your WordPress site multilingual. They ensure your content reaches a wide audience. Using these plugins can boost your traffic and engage more users. They are essential for anyone wanting to attract an international audience.

Best Practices for Multilingual SEO

Introducing multilingual SEO can change how your WordPress site connects with people worldwide. It is vital to follow key practices to make sure your site performs well in searches and offers an excellent experience for visitors.

multilingual SEO

Using Dedicated URLs

Using dedicated URLs for each language version is important for multilingual SEO. This method helps Google and other search engines properly understand and index each page. You might use subdirectories, subdomains, or country-specific domains. Google advises not to use URL parameters since they can confuse search engines.

Implementing hreflang Tags

Putting hreflang tags in the `

` section of your site is another important step. These tags tell search engines the language and country your content is intended for. This means users are taken to the right language version of your site. It also helps to prevent problems with duplicate content, making your SEO efforts more effective.

Content Localisation

Content localisation is more than just translating. It means changing your content to fit local cultures. Good content localisation requires understanding cultural differences to make your message appealing to each audience. This approach can make visitors stay longer and interact more with your site.

By putting these practices into action, including using dedicated URLs, correctly using hreflang tags, and effectively localising content, you’ll make your site work much better on international search engines.


Businesses greatly benefit from making their websites multilingual. By using WordPress plugins like WPML, Polylang, and TranslatePress, they can easily reach people worldwide. They must also focus on SEO with specific URLs and hreflang tags. This makes the website more effective globally.

A big 57% of companies want to connect with a global audience. They see a 48% jump in reach by offering content in several languages. This increases visitor engagement and leads to higher conversion rates. It’s because users prefer reading in their native languages. Multilingual websites also rank better on search engines, which boosts their visibility.

Choosing the right translation approach is key for quality translations. Many sites do well by mixing automated tools and human proofreading. Also, using hreflang tags correctly helps over 75% of sites. It ensures they are SEO optimised and perform better online.

It’s important to keep the user experience consistent in all languages. Companies that focus on this see great success. Using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can also speed up the website. This keeps users happy. A multilingual strategy is crucial for global brand building, earning customer trust, and staying competitive online.

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